Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog Post #2

So, while contemplating what to write about in relation to technology, I googled technological advancements. One of the first new items to come up was a "Talking Sex Robot". Roxxxy is a new invention that for $7,000 will do anything you want. Unlike previous versions she can also carry on a conversation or "respond" to your touch. In order to make her as life like as possible, she also has air pumping through her body to keep her feeling warm. Although she is not due out for months, she is already immensely popular with over 20,000 inquiries and 4,000 preorders.
I am personally a little surprised that so many people are willing to shell out such a huge amount for a doll. Although I understand the most of the people buying this product are old men with too much money and too much time, the article also suggested that female sex therapists and women were intersted in this doll as well. Still, although I'm sure "Roxxxy" is a fun time, I'm not sure she really has $7000 worth of value to her. She is fascinating for the sake of technology and how complexly she must have been programmed, but I do not understand how she could hold sometimes attention for more than a few rounds. Since she cannot literally think for herself, she will eventually run out of prerecorded sentences to moan, so after a while she will get repitive and boring. Yet at the same time, I can probably see someone getting unnecessarily attached to the doll, because not only of the sexual pleasure factor but the fact that she can hold a lifelike conversation. Plus, if you think about the money and time that is put into dinner dates, condoms, or even prostitutes, it could possibly amount to enough to make you want to spend $7000 and ditch dating altogether.
Overall, I think this glorified sex toy really is not enough to replace actual human companionship.
For further info, here is the link if you're interested:

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