Friday, February 5, 2010

The Advancement of the Telephone

Once upon a time, telephones were much simpler. People connected with others through an operator, and phone lines were shared through out a community. This made conversations public for the world to hear, and rarely anything was private. A few years later, people were given individual numbers that allowed them to be contacted directly instead of through a group line. These technological advancement allowed people to carry conversations in private.

Now in modern times, cell phones are one of the biggest techonological advancements around. It seems like every other week a new cell phone is out, getting smaller and smaller, and with more ridiculous capabilities. The biggest attraction to cell phones is there mobility, giving you the ability to carry on a conversation with anyone, anywhere, at any time. This is ironic because carrying on a conversation in a public place, such as a bus or bathroom, makes conversations anything but private.

Even though we have made so many advancements with how we communicate, it seems our technology has brought us backwards. A creation that was meant to make a phone conversation better, or more efficient, merely created the same problem it had when it was originally introduced. It's ironic that when we try to advance something more and more, we still end up with the same mistakes or results that we originally.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that our technology has brought us backwards. Phones are made for social interaction and connecting people but with text messaging being so popular today, it takes out the social element. Hopefully some new type of phone technology will be invented soon that brings us back to the original reasons for using telephones in the first place.
