Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blog Post #5

For my last blog, I would like to discuss how vanity and technology have become a sick and twisted combination. Do you know how easy it is so acquire plastic surgery? Although it may be expensive, only recently have they passed laws requiring plastic surgeons to prescribe psych evaluations for their patients before they go under the knife. We have taken technology and used it to improve ourselves, but not for the better. Instead, we are becoming more alike, more standardized, and more prone to superficialness. Boob jobs, nose jobs, even reconstruction of the genitalia has become EXTREMELY popular. I find it hard to imagine waking up one morning and deciding you don't like the look of your vagina anymore, and deciding to get it fixed. Researchers say this is mostly due to the public view of men and women, particularly in porn, to be the perfect being. This is yet again another example of humans tampering beyond whats needs to be, and technology is right their aiding their way to our demise.

Blog Post #4

One of the most significantly popular and astronomically profitable additions to our technological advancement is, the iPod. Walking around a college campus, it is literally impossible to not see someone "podded" as it can be called, blocking out the rest of the world with their own personal tunes. While I personally love love LOVE the ipod, it can still be a little frustrating to feel so disconnected from the world. Hardly anyone acknowledges one another on their walk to campus, and it often puts people in their own little world. Cell phones are also an example of our increasing isolation. I cannot even begin to count the times when I have been eating lunch with someone and they have been spending at least 80% of the meal texting someone else on their phone. While I cannot complain much because I definitely am also a culprit in this situation, I still recognize how rude and disconcerting this travesty is. Even though we have a perfectly good person right in front of us to chat with, we choose to text numerous pointless messages to the many people in our contacts list. Again, I am a hypocrite, because I love to text and would never want to give it up, I still cannot help but feel that technology is slowly but surely dehumanizing us, and turning us into ADD and eternally plugged in monsters.

Blog Post #3

Many people think that technology is getting out of hand. Movies like iRobot and shows like Caprica depict humans one day even being subservient to our technological creations. While I acknowledge that most of this speculation tells a good story, I cannot help but imagine a world where this is not only likely, but inevitable. I might preach that I could agree with those who think technology is getting out of control, but I that would make me a hypocrite. Since my major is Computer Science and Engineering, I plan on being one of those doe eyed idiots who unknowingly creates man's next big threat. For now at least, technology has yet to peak, and is still growing at a controllable and beneficial rate. However, its still interesting, and slightly terrifying, to imagine the day when we take artificial intelligence a tad too far and create a electronic being that can literally, think, decide, reason, and act of its own accord. But a thinking robot alone will not end up being our downfall. What will truly cause an upheaval of power is a robot with emotions. Yes, a robot with emotions would cause a huge problem, especially one that exhibited desire and ambition. When that day comes will be the day I actually start to worry about the monsters we have created.