Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blog Post #4

One of the most significantly popular and astronomically profitable additions to our technological advancement is, the iPod. Walking around a college campus, it is literally impossible to not see someone "podded" as it can be called, blocking out the rest of the world with their own personal tunes. While I personally love love LOVE the ipod, it can still be a little frustrating to feel so disconnected from the world. Hardly anyone acknowledges one another on their walk to campus, and it often puts people in their own little world. Cell phones are also an example of our increasing isolation. I cannot even begin to count the times when I have been eating lunch with someone and they have been spending at least 80% of the meal texting someone else on their phone. While I cannot complain much because I definitely am also a culprit in this situation, I still recognize how rude and disconcerting this travesty is. Even though we have a perfectly good person right in front of us to chat with, we choose to text numerous pointless messages to the many people in our contacts list. Again, I am a hypocrite, because I love to text and would never want to give it up, I still cannot help but feel that technology is slowly but surely dehumanizing us, and turning us into ADD and eternally plugged in monsters.

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